
My first flights as a club plot

The weather seemed to indicate that Big Collin mountain might be where to head to today. Having already ventured out to check conditions yesterday and being let down by excess wind (this hill's, not mine). I wasn't too hopeful but I talked the missus into letting me have the car and ventured out anyway. There were already several cars parked up when I arrived. I quickly spoke to the clubs chief coach, he advised I get airborne soon as the sky was likely to be very busy.

I raced (well huffed and puffed as quick as I could) to the top and set out my wing, by the time I had done my daily checks and got into the harness ready I had received helpful advice and encouragement from four different club members who had realised it was my first day out on the hill without instruction.

First flight was a long top to bottom. I was able to happily fly avoiding the more experienced club members who were at all times higher then me and either way in front or way behind me. I must have made about 12-15 beats back and forth until I could maintain my height no longer. I ended up slope landing where I lost my footing and skidded on my backside for a few feet before bringing the wing under control. A quick check of my harness showed no harm done (it is always wise to check your reserve is still intact).

The sky got pretty busy after my flight and at one point I counted 18 cars parked at the bottom of the hill, it is certainly the busiest I have ever seen it.

My second flight was little more than a top to bottom because a silly fledgling had managed to twist one of his risers through 360 degrees and had not noticed until he was off the ground. I only realised there was a problem when I tried to use the right control and it felt very stiff. I immediately headed out to the large quiet East side of Big Collin to give me plenty of room to land, of course I found load of lift there.

At some point after this I realised that I had lost my wind meter. So I spent a good while wandering about the hill looking for it. After I gave up I mentioned that I had lost it to some other pilots and they decided what we would go out and do another search for it. Fortunately it was found right out where I had chosen to land on the East side.

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